What download links are included in my Sound Effects Library purchase? Back to knowledge base
After frequent inquiries from our users, Sound Library purchases will now include a downloadable .zip file, with an accompanying ‘integrated version’ for a particular Krotos plugin (Reformer Pro, Weaponiser). A Krotos plugin is not required to use the library assets included in the .zip file.
You do not need a Krotos plugin to use these libraries.
Your Krotos purchases can be found in the Downloads section of your account dashboard.
Your download links will include:
A zip file containing all source sound effect files with a Metadata PDF (Sound Files Only).
If you have purchased a Weaponiser Library: An installer for your integrated Weaponiser library (Windows and Mac).
If you have purchased a Reformer Pro Library: An installer for your integrated Reformer Pro library (Windows and Mac).
If you have purchased a Hybrid Library: Installers for your integrated Reformer Pro and Weaponiser Library (Windows and Mac).