How do I find a manual for a Krotos product? Back to knowledge base

All Krotos products ship with a detailed manual as part of any demo or full plugin installer. Because many of our products are complex, and may contain new concepts and approaches that may be unfamiliar to you, we highly recommend reading the manual to get to know the software.

Please also read the manual before contacting customer support with a question, as many issues can be resolved easy from the manual.

All of our plugins have an in-built link to the manual in the plugin UI

This can be found by clicking on the ‘Menu’ option in the top bar of the plugin UI window.

It will look like this:

Clicking on the manual option will open a Finder or Explorer window at the location of the manual on your hard drive, in pdf format.

You can download the manuals for each product directly, from the links below:

Reformer Manual
Reformer Pro Manual
Reformer Pro Analysis Tool
Weaponiser Manual
Dehumaniser II Manual
Simple Monsters Manual
Igniter Manual

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