How to completely uninstall Dehumaniser on OS X & Windows Back to knowledge base
If you are wishing to uninstall Dehumaniser 2 or Dehumaniser Simple Monsters, please follow the below steps:
For Windows:
- Dehumaniser 2 – Go to C:\Program Files\Krotos\Dehumaniser and choose the unins000.exe option
- Dehumaniser Simple Monsters – Go to C:\Program Files\Krotos\Dehumaniser Simple Monsters and choose the unins000.exe option
For Mac:
- Dehumaniser 2 – Go to Applications/Krotos/Dehumaniser and choose Uninstall DHII
- Dehumaniser Simple Monsters – Go to Applications/Krotos/Dehumaniser Simple Monsters and choose Uninstall Simple Monsters