What is the difference between Igniter and Igniter Full Tank? Back to knowledge base
Igniter Full Tank is an expanded offering of the Igniter product, including a large extra collection of sound libraries.
It includes everything included in Igniter; VST/AU/AAX plugins, all presets and factory assets, for OS X or Windows.
The additional content is available as an additional download, due to its size (around 75GB!) and includes the un-edited, original multi-tracked recordings direct from the recording sessions for these vehicles, made by some of the world’s finest vehicle recordists.
Because of Igniter’s workflow, we have chosen to edit and adjust various assets and sections of the original sound libraries as part of the plugin’s factory assets.
This has been done to improve speed of workflow when using Igniter. However, since these sound libraries contain a huge amount of high quality content which can be used in a traditional workflow, or combined with Igniter, we are offering them as Igniter Full Tank, at a great price.