Staring Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson, The Conjuring 2 opened this week to rave reviews, making a massive $40.4m (£28.5m) in its first full week of release.
A sequel to James Wan’s 2013, The Conjuring, The Conjuring 2 is a horror fest that leaves viewers scared to turn the lights off. James Wan reunites with sound editor/designer Joe Dzuban to create the intense effects needed in the film. You can read the full interview on A Sound Effect’s blog, but we’re excited to announce how Dzuban and his team used Dehumaniser in the film’s sound design.
“Everything you perform into Dehumaniser just sounds enormous and instantly otherworldly. It gives it this massive demonic feeling,” says Dzuban. He passed those tracks to sound effects editor Staubli, who layered them with various animal vocalizations to craft the demon’s sound. – A Sound Effect
Overall, we love the work Dzuban and his team did, and if you haven’t seen The Conjuring 2 yet, definitely go check it out!
Dehumaniser, the vocal software processor makes monster and imaginary creature sounds in real time, and it’s used by the entertainment industry in films, video games, radio and theatrical performances. To see a list of our current client projects, please click here. To find out how Dehumaniser can help you with your latest project, please contact us.