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Our monthly free sounds offer you a wide range of sound categories from Foley, combat sounds, impacts, animal sounds, to transitions and more!
Join the newsletterIn this article, we’re going to explore creating dog sound effects. We’ll introduce you to an awesome sound effects library and then show you how you can leverage this source content by combining it with Reformer Pro.
Picking a Scene with Dog Sounds
To demonstrate this, we need a scene to work with. We’re going to use a short scene from the film I am legend. In the scene, there are two dogs which are infected. We’re definitely going to need some growl sound effects, but these aren’t your standard dogs so we’ll have to get a bit creative too!
The Dog Sound Effects Library
The library we are going to use is the Coll Anderson Dog Sound Effects Library which contains a wide variety of dog breeds and different vocalisations including growls, snarls and whimpers. This is the perfect starting point – it comes with six Reformer Pro sound packs, which we’ll come to shortly. However you don’t need to own Reformer Pro to use this library, as it also comes in folders with individual sound files which you can piece together and layer up to build the scene.
But there is a much easier (and frankly, more fun) way to get these sounds into the scene. First, we’ll perform the sound into the microphone. Fake dog noises are optional at this point! What we want here is an audio input that syncs with the scene.

Using Reformer Pro to Create the Dog Sound Effects
With Reformer Pro fired up, we can create our dog sound effects in a matter of seconds. The dogs in this scene are infected, so they shouldn’t sound like normal dogs. Reformer Pro comes with an included library of Black Leopard Pro Sound Effects. We’ll make use of this library to make the dogs sound more monstrous.
To begin with, we’ll search for a Pit Bull, which is a great starting point for this scene.

The aggressive Pit Bull’s growling and snarling sound effects are a good fit, but now we need to infect these dogs. That’s where the Black Leopard library comes in.
We’ll move the puck in the X/Y pad to mix between the Pit Bull and the Black Leopard, giving the dogs a deeper growl. We’ll move the response to medium so it responds faster to our input.

The Result – Designed Rabid Dog Sounds
You can see how quickly the sound effects for this infected dog scene can be cut using Reformer Pro. There are three dogs in this scene, so you could repeat the process for each dog and it would take you very little time to do so.
In literally just a few seconds, we managed to get a very usable sound. Just imagine how much time you would spend layering up single audio files! Reformer Pro is very flexible, you can easily change the library on the fly, and blend between other libraries using each of the four quadrants.
To learn more about the products used in this project, check out the following links:
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